通  报
1. 通报成员:厄瓜多尔
2. 负责机构:Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalización, INEN (Ecuadorian Standardization Service)
3. 通报依据的条款:Article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ]
4. 覆盖的产品:Pressure-reducing valves (HS 848110); Check (nonreturn) valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like (HS 848130)
ICS:[]      HS:[]
5. 通报标题:

厄瓜多尔标准协会技术法规PRTEINEN No. 090 “减压阀”第2次修订草案(2R)

页数:11    使用语言:西班牙语
6. 内容简述:

The notified Ecuadorian Technical Regulation establishes the requirements to be met by pressure-reducing valves, prior to the marketing of domestic and imported products, with the aim of protecting human safety and preventing deceptive practices.

It applies to the following products:

Water pressure-reducing valves:

1. Water pressure-reducing valves and combination water pressure-reducing valves, with nominal diameters from DN 8 (1/4") to DN 100 (4"), for water input pressures not exceeding 1.6 MPa (16 bars) and water temperatures not exceeding 30ºC and 80ºC for cold and hot water applications, respectively (used in building and construction).

2. Water pressure-reducing valves used in or connected to above- or below-ground water supply piping systems that transport water intended for human consumption (for municipal drinking-water networks).

3. Water pressure-reducing valves intended for use in agricultural irrigation systems, with nominal diameters from DN 8 (1/4") to DN 100 (4"), for use with water at temperatures up to 60ºC.

4. Water pressure-reducing valves used in fire-fighting systems.

Direct-acting pressure-reducing and pressure-limiting valves for reducing water pressure in vertical piping systems or sprinkler system supply pipes.

7. 目的和理由:Consumer information, labelling; Prevention of deceptive practices and consumer protection; Protection of human health or safety
8. 相关文件: Normative references:1.ISO 2859-1:1999+Amd 1:2011, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection.2.ISO 6182-5:2012, Fire protection - Automatic sprinkler systems - Part 5: Requirements and test methods for deluge valves.3.ISO 9393-1:2004, Thermoplastics valves for industrial applications - Pressure test methods and requirements - Part 1: General.4.ISO 9911:2006, Agricultural irrigation equipment - Manually operated small plastics valves.5.ISO/IEC 17025:2017, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.6.ISO/IEC 17067:2013, Conformity assessment - Fundamentals of product certification and guidelines for product certification schemes.7.EN 1074-1:2000, Valves for water supply. Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests. General requirements.8.EN 1074-5:2001, Valves for water supply. Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests. Control valves.9.EN 12516-3:2002, Valves - Shell design strength - Part 3: Experimental method.10.EN 1567:1999, Building valves. Water pressure reducing valves and combination water reducing valves. Requirements and tests.11.UL 260:2004, Standard for Dry Pipe and Deluge Valves for Fire-Protection Service.12.UL 1468:2016, Standard for Direct Acting Pressure Reducing and Pressure Restricting Valves.13.UL 1739:2017, Standard for Pilot-Operated Pressure-Control Valves for Fire-Protection Service.14.ASME B16.34:2017, Valves - Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End.Notification history:G/TBT/N/ECU/413
9. 拟批准日期: 30 days from notification or thereafter
拟生效日期: Six months from the date of adoption
10. 意见反馈截至日期:30 days from notification

Contact and/or national enquiry point:

Subsecretaría de Calidad

Ministerio de Producción, Comercio Exterior, Inversiones y Pesca (MPCEIP)

Address: Av. Amazonas entre Unión Nacional de Periodistas y Alfonso Pereira, Piso 8, Bloque amarillo

Tel.: (+593-2) 3948760, Ext. 2254 - 2272


厄瓜多尔标准协会技术法规PRTEINEN No. 090 “减压阀”第2次修订草案(2R)

The notified Ecuadorian Technical Regulation establishes the requirements to be met by pressure-reducing valves, prior to the marketing of domestic and imported products, with the aim of protecting human safety and preventing deceptive practices.

It applies to the following products:

Water pressure-reducing valves:

1. Water pressure-reducing valves and combination water pressure-reducing valves, with nominal diameters from DN 8 (1/4") to DN 100 (4"), for water input pressures not exceeding 1.6 MPa (16 bars) and water temperatures not exceeding 30ºC and 80ºC for cold and hot water applications, respectively (used in building and construction).

2. Water pressure-reducing valves used in or connected to above- or below-ground water supply piping systems that transport water intended for human consumption (for municipal drinking-water networks).

3. Water pressure-reducing valves intended for use in agricultural irrigation systems, with nominal diameters from DN 8 (1/4") to DN 100 (4"), for use with water at temperatures up to 60ºC.

4. Water pressure-reducing valves used in fire-fighting systems.

Direct-acting pressure-reducing and pressure-limiting valves for reducing water pressure in vertical piping systems or sprinkler system supply pipes.


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