1. | 通报成员:厄瓜多尔 |
2. | 负责机构:Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalización, INEN (Ecuadorian Standardization Service) |
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通报依据的条款:Article 2.9.2 [X], 2.10.1 [ ], 5.6.2 [ ], 5.7.1 [ ]
4. | 覆盖的产品:Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (HS 180610); Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa, in blocks or bars weighing more than 2 kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular or other bulk form in containers or immediate packings, of a content exceeding 2 kg (excluding cocoa powder) (HS 180620); Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars weighing not more than 2 kg, filled (HS 180631); Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars weighing not more than 2 kg, not filled (HS 180632); Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa, in containers or immediate packings, of a content not exceeding 2 kg (excluding in blocks, slabs or bars, as well as cocoa powder) (HS 180690)
ICS:[] HS:[] |
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通报标题:Proyecto de Primera Revisión del Reglamento Técnico Ecuatoriano PRTE INEN 106 (1R) "Chocolates"页数:8 使用语言:西班牙语 链接网址: |
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内容简述: The notified Ecuadorian Technical Regulation establishes the requirements to be met by chocolate and chocolate products destined for human consumption, prior to the marketing of domestic and imported products, with the aim of protecting human health and preventing deceptive practices. It applies to the following products: · Chocolate types (composition): Chocolate; chocolate a la taza; sweet chocolate; chocolate familiar a la taza; couverture chocolate; milk chocolate; family milk chocolate; milk chocolate couverture; other chocolate products; white chocolate; gianduja chocolate; gianduja milk chocolate; chocolate para mesa; semi-bitter chocolate para mesa; bitter chocolate para mesa. Chocolate types (form): Chocolate vermicelli and chocolate flakes; milk chocolate vermicelli/milk chocolate flakes; filled chocolate; a chocolate or praline. |
7. | 目的和理由:Prevention of deceptive practices and consumer protection; Protection of human health or safety |
8. | 相关文件: Normative references:1.CODEX STAN 87-1981: Adopted in 1981. Revision: 2003. Amendment: 2016. Standard for Chocolate and Chocolate Products;2.CODEX STAN 193-1995: Revised in 2009. Amended in 2018. General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food and Feed;3.CODEX STAN 192-1995:2018, General Standard for Food Additives;4.Ecuadorian Technical Regulation RTE INEN 022 (2R):2014 + corrigendum 1:2015 "Rotulado de productos alimenticios procesados, envasados y empaquetados".Notification history:1.G/TBT/N/ECU/1272.G/TBT/N/ECU/127/Add.1G/TBT/N/ECU/127/Add.2 |
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60 days from the date of notification 拟生效日期: 180 days from the date of adoption |
10. | 意见反馈截至日期:60 days from notification |
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Contact and/or national enquiry point: Subsecretaría de Calidad Ministerio de Producción, Comercio Exterior, Inversiones y Pesca (MPCEIP) Address: Av. Amazonas entre Unión Nacional de Periodistas y Alfonso Pereira, Piso 8, Bloque amarillo Tel.: (+593-2) 3948760, Ext. 2254 - 2272 Email: puntocontacto-OTCECU@produccion.gob.ec; puntocontactoOTCECU@gmail.com; jmarino@produccion.gob.ec; cyepez@produccion.gob.ec; jsanchezc@produccion.gob.ec https://members.wto.org/crnattachments/2020/TBT/ECU/20_3878_00_s.pdf |
The notified Ecuadorian Technical Regulation establishes the requirements to be met by chocolate and chocolate products destined for human consumption, prior to the marketing of domestic and imported products, with the aim of protecting human health and preventing deceptive practices.
It applies to the following products:
· Chocolate types (composition): Chocolate; chocolate a la taza; sweet chocolate; chocolate familiar a la taza; couverture chocolate; milk chocolate; family milk chocolate; milk chocolate couverture; other chocolate products; white chocolate; gianduja chocolate; gianduja milk chocolate; chocolate para mesa; semi-bitter chocolate para mesa; bitter chocolate para mesa.
Chocolate types (form): Chocolate vermicelli and chocolate flakes; milk chocolate vermicelli/milk chocolate flakes; filled chocolate; a chocolate or praline.