1. | 通报成员:阿根廷 |
2. | 负责机构: |
3. |
4. | 覆盖的产品:
ICS:[] HS:[] |
5. |
通报标题:交流电表技术与计量法规页数: 使用语言: 链接网址: |
6. |
内容简述: The following communication, dated 19 June 2020, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Argentina. Alternating-current electricity meters Please be advised that Secretariat of Domestic Trade (SCI) Resolution No. 138/2020 postpones until 31 December 2020 the entry into force of SCI Resolution No. 247/2019 approving the technical and metrological regulation concerning alternating-current electricity meters. Punto Focal OTC-OMC de la República Argentina (TBT-WTO Focal Point of the Argentine Republic) Text available at: http://www.puntofocal.gob.ar/formularios/notific_arg.php https://members.wto.org/crnattachments/2020/TBT/ARG/20_3814_00_s.pdf |
7. | 目的和理由: |
8. | 相关文件: |
9. |
拟生效日期: |
10. | 意见反馈截至日期: |
11. |
The following communication, dated 19 June 2020, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Argentina.
Alternating-current electricity meters
Please be advised that Secretariat of Domestic Trade (SCI) Resolution No. 138/2020 postpones until 31 December 2020 the entry into force of SCI Resolution No. 247/2019 approving the technical and metrological regulation concerning alternating-current electricity meters.
Punto Focal OTC-OMC de la República Argentina (TBT-WTO Focal Point of the Argentine Republic)
Subsecretaría de Políticas para el Mercado Interno (Undersecretariat for Domestic Market Policies)
Avda. Julio A. Roca 651 Piso 4° Sector 23A
(C1067ABB) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Email: focalotc@produccion.gob.ar
Text available at: