通  报
1. 通报成员:厄瓜多尔
2. 负责机构:
3. 通报依据的条款:
4. 覆盖的产品:
ICS:[]      HS:[]
5. 通报标题:

厄瓜多尔标准协会技术法规(RTEINEN) No. 009 “家用制冷电器”第1次修订草案(1R)

页数:    使用语言:
6. 内容简述:

The following communication, dated 27 July 2020, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Ecuador.

Title: Amendment No. 2 to the first revision (1R) of Ecuadorian Technical Regulation RTE INEN No. 009: "Household refrigerating appliances".

Reason for Addendum:

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Comment period changed - date:

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Notified measure adopted - date:

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Notified measure published - date:

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Notified measure enters into force - date:

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Text of final measure available from:

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Notified measure withdrawn or revoked - date:

Relevant symbol if measure re-notified:

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Content or scope of notified measure changed

New deadline for comments (if applicable):

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Interpretive guidance issued and text available from1:


Other: Inclusion of the following transitional provisions:

First transitional provision. Until 31 July 2020, certificates issued by accredited conformity assessment bodies for RTE INEN No. 009:2005, Amendment No. 1:2009, Amendment No. 2:2015, Amendment No. 3:2017 and Corrigendum No. 1:2019, will remain valid for up to six (6) months from the entry into force of RTE INEN No. 009 (1R):2020.

Second transitional provision: During the period established in the first transitional provision, conformity assessment bodies must adjust their scope for RTE INEN No. 009 (1R):2020 before the relevant accreditation body.

Description: Household refrigerating appliances

By means of this Addendum No. 3, the Republic of Ecuador advises that Amendment No. 2 to the first revision (1R) of Ecuadorian Technical Regulation RTE INEN No. 009 on household refrigerating appliances has been issued pursuant to Resolution MPCEIP-SC-2020-0204-R of 23 July 2020 by the Under-Secretariat for Quality of the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries. The Amendment entered into force on 23 July 2020, without prejudice to its publication in the Official Journal.

Text available from: Ministerio de Producción, Comercio Exterior, Inversiones y Pesca (Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries), Subsecretaría de Calidad (Under-Secretariat for Quality), Organismo Nacional de Notificación (National Notification Authority):

TBT enquiry point: Jeannette Mariño
Plataforma Gubernamental de Gestión Financiera - Piso 8 Bloque amarillo Av. Amazonas entre Unión Nacional de Periodistas y Alfonso Pereira
Quito, Ecuador
Tel.: (+593-2) 3948760, Ext. 2252/2254

7. 目的和理由:
8. 相关文件:
9. 拟批准日期:
10. 意见反馈截至日期:
厄瓜多尔标准协会技术法规(RTEINEN) No. 009 “家用制冷电器”第1次修订草案(1R)

The following communication, dated 27 July 2020, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Ecuador.

Title: Amendment No. 2 to the first revision (1R) of Ecuadorian Technical Regulation RTE INEN No. 009: "Household refrigerating appliances".

Reason for Addendum:

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Comment period changed - date:

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Notified measure adopted - date:

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Notified measure published - date:

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Notified measure enters into force - date:

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Text of final measure available from:

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Notified measure withdrawn or revoked - date:

Relevant symbol if measure re-notified:

[ ]

Content or scope of notified measure changed

New deadline for comments (if applicable):

[ ]

Interpretive guidance issued and text available from1:


Other: Inclusion of the following transitional provisions:

First transitional provision. Until 31 July 2020, certificates issued by accredited conformity assessment bodies for RTE INEN No. 009:2005, Amendment No. 1:2009, Amendment No. 2:2015, Amendment No. 3:2017 and Corrigendum No. 1:2019, will remain valid for up to six (6) months from the entry into force of RTE INEN No. 009 (1R):2020.

Second transitional provision: During the period established in the first transitional provision, conformity assessment bodies must adjust their scope for RTE INEN No. 009 (1R):2020 before the relevant accreditation body.

Description: Household refrigerating appliances

By means of this Addendum No. 3, the Republic of Ecuador advises that Amendment No. 2 to the first revision (1R) of Ecuadorian Technical Regulation RTE INEN No. 009 on household refrigerating appliances has been issued pursuant to Resolution MPCEIP-SC-2020-0204-R of 23 July 2020 by the Under-Secretariat for Quality of the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries. The Amendment entered into force on 23 July 2020, without prejudice to its publication in the Official Journal.

Text available from: Ministerio de Producción, Comercio Exterior, Inversiones y Pesca (Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries), Subsecretaría de Calidad (Under-Secretariat for Quality), Organismo Nacional de Notificación (National Notification Authority):

TBT enquiry point: Jeannette Mariño
Plataforma Gubernamental de Gestión Financiera - Piso 8 Bloque amarillo Av. Amazonas entre Unión Nacional de Periodistas y Alfonso Pereira
Quito, Ecuador
Tel.: (+593-2) 3948760, Ext. 2252/2254


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