The following communication, dated 22 September 2020, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of China.
Title: Food Labeling Supervision and Management Measures (Draft for Comments)
Reason for Addendum: | |
[ ] | Comment period changed - date: |
[ ] | Notified measure adopted - date: |
[ ] | Notified measure published - date: |
[ ] | Notified measure enters into force - date: |
[ ] | Text of final measure available from: |
[ ] | Notified measure withdrawn or revoked - date: Relevant symbol if measure re-notified: |
[X] | Content or scope of notified measure changed New deadline for comments (if applicable): |
[ ] | Interpretive guidance issued and text available from1: |
[X] | Other: href="" |
Description: After summarizing and referring to the comments and consultation received during the comment period of G/TBT/N/CHN/1401, we have now revised part of the Food Labeling Supervision and Management Measures (Draft for Comments).
WTO/TBT National Notification and Enquiry Center of the People's Republic of China
Tel: +86 10 57954631 / 57954627
Fax: +86 10 57954688