2020年3月28日,美国FDA发布了个人防护装备紧急使用授权(Emergency Use Authorizations,简称EUA),其中包括《未经NIOSH批准的进口一次性过滤式呼吸防护口罩》,列举了“经过设计、评估和验证后符合以下性能标准的,并具有相应可接受的产品分类的口罩”要求,具体列表如下:
值得注意的是,美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)曾经于3月17日发布《优化N95口罩供应策略:危机/替代策略》,其中将根据中国GB2626-2006和GB/T 18664—2002标准生产的口罩列为N95口罩的合适替代品。但是,3月28日美国FDA发布的此份EUA中,中国的GB2626-2006和GB/T18664-2002不再包含在第一类要求内。
Respirators Eligible for Authorization under this EUA Respirators meeting the criteria in the following two categories are eligible for authorization under this EUA as described in this section (Scope of Authorization (Section II)). Respirators that satisfy the eligibility criteria in numerals 1 and/or 2, and that meet the terms and conditions (Conditions of Authorization (Section IV)) of this EUA will be listed in Exhibit 1 pursuant to the procedure outlined below. The categories of eligibility are as follows:
符合以下两类标准的具有本EUA呼吸口罩批准条件资格的呼吸口罩,有资格获得本节(批准范围(第二节))所述的本EUA批准条件。即:符合第1/2点中合格标准的呼吸口罩,以及符合本EUA的条款和条件(批准条件(第四节))的呼吸口罩将按照以下程序在Exhibit 1中列出。资格类别如下:
1. Disposable FFRs that have been designed, evaluated, and validated to meet a given performance standard and have corresponding acceptable product classifications, as follows:
2. Disposable FFRs which have a marketing authorization in one of the following regulatory jurisdictions:
• European CE Mark
• Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) Certificate of Inclusion
• Health Canada Licence
• Japan Pharmaceuticals and Medical Device (PMDA)/Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
2.在以下其中一个监管辖区中具有销售授权的一次性FFR(Filtering Facepiece Respirators):