食品伙伴网讯 据外媒报道,针对目前中国即将于4月8日实施的跨境电子商务新税制,澳驻上海总领事馆商务处商务领事莫博仁(Brent Moore)表示,澳大利亚对华贸易额较大,澳洲声誉较好,中国一线城市白领或者亲友曾到访,澳洲食品深受欢迎。按照税收新规定,食品等过去免税的商品,以后要被收取平均11.9%的跨境税。
Australian exporters should not be concerned about the Chinese government's reform of taxation for online shopping.
From April 8 it is expected an 11.9 per cent tax will be levied across a broad range of product categories, including food and beverage.
Food and beverage items account for 20 per cent of purchases made through online marketplaces, like Tmall and Taobao.