

信息来源:广东省WTO/TBT通报咨询研究中心    更新日期:2021-06-08

国际文件(OIML D):旨在协调和改善法制计量领域工作的信息类文件。

D 1-en国家计量系统——制度建设和法律框架National metrology systems – Developing the institutional and legislative framework2021/2/19TC CEEMS202168
D 2-en法定计量单位Legal units of measurement2007/12/3TC 2202168
D 3-en计量器具的法制鉴定Legal qualification of measuring instruments2002/11/7TC 3202168
D 5-en计量器具溯源等级图的建立原则Principles for the establishment of hierarchy schemes for measuring instruments2002/11/12TC 4202168
D 8-en测量标准的选择、考核、使用、维护和文件集Measurement standards. Choice, recognition, use, conservation and documentation2005/5/12TC 4202168
D 9-en计量监督的原则Principles of metrological supervision2005/10/6TC 3/SC 2202168
D 10-enILAC-G24/OIML D 10:实验室用测量设备校准间隔的确定导则ILAC-G24/OIML D 10: Guidelines for the determination of recalibration intervals of measuring equipment used in testing laboratories2007/5/31TC 4202168
D 11-en计量器具通用要求 环境条件General requirements for measuring instruments - Environmental conditions2013/12/18TC 5/SC 1202168
D 12-en检定用测量仪器的使用领域Fields of use of measuring instruments subject to verification2002/12/10TC 3/SC 2202168
D 13-en双边或多边协议认可指南:测试结果-型式认证-检定Guidelines for bi- or multilateral arrangements on the recognition of: test results - pattern approvals - verifications2002/12/24TC 3/SC 1202168
D 14-en法制计量人员的培训和资格认证Training and qualification of legal metrology personnel2005/5/12TC CEEMS202168
D 16-en计量管理保证的原则Principles of assurance of metrological control2011/7/18TC 3/SC 2202168
D 17-en液体粘度测量仪器的溯源等级图Hierarchy scheme for instruments measuring the viscosity of liquids2002/10/31TC 17/SC 5202168
D 18-en在国家法制计量服务机构实施的计量控制所涵盖的领域中使用经认证的参考材料。基本原则The use of certified reference materials in fields covered by metrological control exercised by national services of legal metrology. Basic principles2009/1/7TC 3/SC 3202168
D 19-en型式评价和型式批准Pattern evaluation and pattern approval2002/10/31TC 3/SC 1202168
D 20-en计量器具及测量过程的首次和后续检定Initial and subsequent verification of measuring instruments and processes2002/10/24TC 3/SC 1202168
D 21-en用于放射治疗剂量计校准的二级标准剂量学实验室Secondary standard dosimetry laboratories for the calibration of dosimeters used in radiotherapy2002/10/9TC 15/SC 1202168
D 22-en评估危险废物产生的空气污染物的便携式仪器指南Guide to portable instruments for assessing airborne pollutants arising from hazardous wastes2002/10/7TC 16/SC 4202168
D 23-en检定设备计量控制原则Principles for metrological control of equipment used for verification2002/10/7TC 4202168
D 24-en全辐射高温计Total radiation pyrometers2006/1/17TC 11/SC 3202168
D 25-en用于流体测量系统的旋涡流量计Vortex meters used in measuring systems for fluids2010/6/30TC 8202168
D 26-en玻璃管(排量)测量—自动移液管Glass delivery measures - Automatic pipettes2010/6/30TC 8202168
D 27-en使用制造商质量管理体系对测量仪器进行首次检定Initial verification of measuring instruments using the manufacturer's quality management system2001/9/20TC 3/SC 1202168
D 28-en空气中称重结果的常规值(R33修订版)Conventional value of the result of weighing in air (Revision of R 33)2005/10/28TC 9/SC 3202168
D 30-enISO/IEC 17025在法制计量实验室评审中的应用指南Guide for the application of ISO/IEC 17025 to the assessment of Testing Laboratories involved in legal metrology2020/7/7OIML-CS/SC 7202168
D 31-en计量器具控制软件的通用要求-统一版修正案1(2020)General requirements for software-controlled measuring instruments - Consolidated edition with Amendment 1 (2020)2020/9/11TC 5/SC 2202168
D 32-enISO/IEC 17065在法制计量领域计量器具认证机构评审中的应用指南Guide for the application of ISO/IEC 17065 to assessment of certification bodies in legal metrology2018/10/16OIML-CS/SC 7202168
D 33-en参考标准液体(用于粘度计校准和检定的牛顿粘度标准)Reference standard liquids (Newtonian viscosity standard for the calibration and verification of viscometers)2020/1/7TC 17/SC 5202168
D 34-en符合型式(CTT)-计量器具上市前的合格评定Conformity to Type (CTT) - Pre-market conformity assessment of measuring instruments2019/11/21TC 3/SC 6202168
D 35-en石油计量表Petroleum measurement tables2020/12/14TC 8202168
D 36-en液体测试测量系统Pipe provers for testing measuring systems for liquids2020/12/14TC 8202168


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